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Posts made in January, 2017

Adminja is a project management system designed specifically for virtual assistants. Since I work at a virtual assistant company, I couldn’t help but give it a try to see how it measured up against other systems I’ve used. Everything Zen   Before I get into the actual meat and potatoes of the program, I have to mention the ninja-themed images used on the registration and login pages. A calm inner peace washes over me...

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The holidays are a wonderful time of year. A time to relax, de-stress, and be with your family. Unless you find yourself in the position of already having too much to do and not enough time. In that case, the holidays (with all the time off and extra commitments) are rough! Ironically, the reason for starting your business was to gain flexibility and freedom, so you’d have MORE time when the holidays roll around. With the new year...

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