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LD Staff Writer

If you’re running a business and managing your social media presence, you already know how tough this juggling act can be.

There are many solutions out there for managing social media, but MeetEdgar is definitely one of our favorites. This platform is all about giving you the tools to manage your social media accounts consistently – in consistently less time than before.

Instead of doing the tedious work of recycling your social media updates manually, using giant spreadsheets or calendar entries, MeetEdgar allows you to skip all the grunt work and get right to crafting your message and staying on the ball.

There’s a price – $49 a month – but the payoff can be significant in terms of engagement, reach, and most of all, time saved.

Once you’ve signed up, you simply plug in your social media accounts and begin adding updates. MeetEdgar can automatically manage multiple postings over the calendar in exactly the frequency you desire. It saves all of your updates for future use, with no limit to your library.

You can instantly populate the calendar with a few clicks, making sure that your evergreen content stays fresh and in front of your intended audience’s eyes going into the future… Or if you like, we can do it for you!


Want to learn more?

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