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Tips for Working With a Virtual Assistant: Communication, Communication, Communication

LD Staff Writer

At LongerDays, we realize that part of hiring a virtual assistant is rooted in convenience. We do our best to keep a client’s time obligations to a minimum, and bug them as little as possible.

However, it is inevitable that we will (at times) need things from a client to complete a task they’ve delegated… Typically, we need more information.

Whenever a LongerDays team member asks a client for clarification or additional information, they have already tried their best to answer the question on their own. They have probably consulted other people in the company (and Google), and decided that more information was needed in order to complete the task correctly.

Unfortunately, this means that they are probably unable to continue working on the assignment until they get more information from the client.

In order to help us complete tasks as quickly and correctly as possible, we ask that clients are prepared to reply promptly – so we can get back to work on the assignment!

This helps a lot with turnaround time.

Even better, clients can take the extra steps at the beginning of the delegation process to look at the task from our perspective, anticipate questions, and provide as much information up front as possible. This can’t always happen, of course, and roadblocks are bound to come up in some situations.

At the end of the day, a solid relationship with an assistant is built on clear communication – whether it’s at the outset of a project or answering clarifying questions down the road. We’re all in this together!

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